Realtor Information

Arbors on Bluff is proud to be an appealing community – a very popular consideration for those looking for a slower pace of life and less home maintenance.  Our residents are encouraged to keep their properties in compliance to maintain neighborhood allure and the highest property values.  This includes keeping mailboxes and posts, lawns, landscaping, and the exterior of their home properly maintained per the HOA covenants.

As a real estate agent representing a property in our community, or a prospective buyer of one of our homes; it is important to know that these homes are ‘patio homes’ and NOT ‘condos’. We are a ‘planned unit development’ (PUD).  Each homeowner owns the home structure and the land the structure resides on. Each homeowner is responsible for the upkeep, insurance, and maintenance of the interior and exterior of the home.

Please take a moment to review our dues information for more details on what is covered by the homeowners association fees.

IMPORTANT: Many times, homeowners move into our community and are not aware of the guidelines and covenants that have been established for the neighborhood. Please download the Arbors on Bluff governing documents.  We suggest you review and provide this important information to your clients.  Quick note:  Our community has a strictly enforced NO FISHING covenant.  No fishing is allowed on either the small or large pond.

Additionally, please provide the AOB HOA the new homeowner information (name, address, cell phone numbers as well as email addresses), as soon as possible so that the new residents can be welcomed to our community; and begin receiving all pertinent HOA communications.