Homeowner Reminders

NO Fishing, NO skating, NO boating, NO swimming on small pond or large pond.

Our covenants and a Marion County ordinance prohibit unrestrained animals at any time.  Our covenants also require that those who walk their pets carry ‘poo bags’ to pick up their dog waste and carry home to dispose of properly.

Please report all streetlight outages to us through our contact form so that they can be repaired in a timely manner.

Street parking is considered inappropriate when practiced on a daily basis.  There should be no street parking during accumulating snowfalls as parked vehicles do not allow for proper clearing and cause traffic hazards.

We take great effort in keeping the goose population to a minimum, so please do not feed any geese that may be in our community.  Their droppings can cause illness not to mention the mess!  Anyone observed putting food in the common area is subject to a fine.