Community Services

Lawn Mowing and Snow Removal services are provided by:

Nick’s Lawncare
Nick Burger, Owner
317 439 8712

During the warmer months, lawn mowing, weed-eating (and edging every 3rd week) services are provided. Please remember that one gate in each fenced yard must be at least 48″ wide to accommodate the mowers. Also, be sure that animals are confined, that pet waste is cleaned up; and that garden hoses or other miscellaneous items are out of the way on mowing day.

Unless weather or equipment issues impact scheduling – our normal mow days are either Thursday or Friday (and get pushed forward if absolutely necessary to the weekend).

IMPORTANT: If you have visible cable wires or HVAC wiring that is not protected by landscaping – please be aware that the mowing crew will not trim close to these items and you will be responsible for the trimming /grass removal in these areas.

Those that wish to mow their own lawns should contact board member, Margie Mason. Any issues that may arise should also be directed to board member, Margie Mason within 24 hours of the event.

During winter, streets, individual driveways and walks from driveways to front porch are cleared with each snow above three inches (3”).

Additionally, the community employs a groundskeeper who takes care of various tasks to ensure the neighborhood is operating efficiently and is well maintained.